Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Kim Kardashian Weight Loss Plan - Can It Be For You Too?

Kim Kardashian Weight Loss Plan - Can It Be For You Too?, Kim Kardashian weight loss plan is a not-so-secret combination of good dieting and proper exercising. Although both played an important role for her to get into her recent great shape, she made it clear that it was also a matter of determination as she was known to be in love with the wrong foods, and have no motivation for any type of daily exercise. 

Changing Bad Habits: Before following her revamped Kim Kardashian weight loss plan, Kim knew she needed to stop her old eating habits that was overloading her up to 2263 calories each passing day. Since she was overweight, trimming down to 107 pounds was her dream and she was willing to finally work hard for it too. It was not that easy for her as it would require her to give up favorite foods as well as workout. It is quite important that you get a view of her old dieting habit so you appreciate the new: Yep, she used to indulge on chocolate mocha (Starbucks tall white) with whipped cream, sodas, lots of dessert foods like cupcakes and cookies, pastas and and high calorie sauces. Things that weren’t sustaining her and that were too high in calories. She’d never feel full as she never ate enough fibre or protein and couldn't avoid unhealthy snacking. 

New Healthy Eating: The latest successful Kim Kardashian weight loss plan came with a new list of vitamin-rich foods and high nutritional content meals that kept her going throughout her hectic daily schedule. Her new dieting plan helped cut down her daily calorie intake from 2263 to 1438 per day. Her new regime often looks like this: for breakfast, bananas and oatmeal, and then grilled chicken and salad for lunch. She also likes 1-2 tbsp of granola and berry yogurt with fruit. Although she still did not give up on snacks, she changed the former bad items with things like low-calorie ranch dressing and carrots. Her dinner was enriched with fish and vegetables, then she'd sip on green tea to boost her metabolism before sleeping. 

Exercise: It was a total turnaround for her when she started. Apart from the diet change, she needed to exercise regularly to help her get to her dream weight. Kim's new weightloss plan involved a total body exercise routine that included upper body and lower body floor workouts, yoga strength moves and Pilates. She also did tons of cardio workouts, with each session lasting from 30 to 60 minutes every day. Her main point of focus though was on her lower part, so that she could maintain a nice looking backside - "the thing" that has helped her shoot to stardom. 

Kim's Other Tricks: Her weight loss plan was at times accompanied by her QuickTrim health supplements and she also loves her with her new runners, the Skechers Shape Ups, that she claims really help her tone her bum and legs, exercise for longer periods of time and help her feet to feel supported and comfortable. But mainly it was a through diet and exercise that helped Kim Kardashian finally get into her dream size. And now she is able to maintain it because she has approached weight loss with realistic goals and a positive attitude. 
Also read another useful article about snooki nicole polizzi weight loss secrets.

Article Source: http://www.streetarticles.com/popular-diets/kim-kardashian-weight-loss-plan-can-it-be-for-you-too 
Article Author: http://www.streetarticles.com/about/sara-reynolds/1574

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